Against the backdrop of sun-kissed skyscrapers and bustling streets, Friedrichs Pontone is thrilled to present our Tribeca Summer show, an extraordinary group exhibition that encapsulates the eclectic spirit of this iconic New York City neighborhood. Our carefully curated selection of artworks by a talented collective of contemporary artists celebrates the diversity and creativity that define the art scene in downtown Manhattan. The Tribeca Summer Show promises to be a captivating fusion of artistry, offering a kaleidoscope of colors, techniques, and mediums. Join us in celebrating the incredible energy of summer in the city and the vibrant arts scene of Tribeca in our Tribeca Summer Show opening Thursday, July 27, 2023. Featuring works by Chris Rivers, Iain Faulkner, Hwang Seontae, Henry Jabbour, Emil Alzamora, Angela Glajcar, Malcolm Liepke, Dagoberto Rodríguez, Sarah Ratchye, Matteo Massagrande, Andrea Valsecchi, Jae Yong Kim, and Samuel Xun.
Tribeca Summer Show
Past exhibition